Artwork..... with love ......from Spirit


How incredible is this! Over the past year I’ve seen my lovely friend Wendy van der Laan deliver these beautiful spirit guide and elemental artworks to their recipients with awe and admiration.

It wasn’t until yesterday when I picked up the beautiful piece she had channelled for our family (yes there are spirit guides and messages in this for myself, my husband and my children) was I blown away by the pure unconditional love emanating from her artwork. 

There are faces upon faces upon faces, so much to explore and her skill in bringing the drawings to life is exquisite. 

This is the kind of artwork that promises hours, upon hours, upon hours of staring time. 

Wendy explains her spiritual artworks of charcoal and pastel chalks are visual messages of love, guidance and healing from your own soul. She works in meditation from a photo of you and allows the images and layers to evolve over several hours. 

I feel such a strong connection with my piece. I had intended it to go in my hallway , towards the entrance, like a beautiful welcome home and soul blueprint for our family. But when I saw it I knew it must go straight to my sacred space, where I meditate and give Shiatsu, in the back studio. This artwork needs room to breathe, and to be viewed while seated comfortably, rather than on foot when passing by. Wendy suggested I sit back and meditate with it, and see if any messages come through. So far I’ve sat for a short amount of time with this portrait, I’ve felt so much love from one being in particular and my heart expands immensely connecting with the energy. There’s so much more to explore, so many more beings to connect with. Whenever I see it I feel tremors of joy shimmering through my body.

It’s a treasure I’ll never part with. 

Wendy can be found on Facebook at