Make regular deposits into your wellness account to build fabulous health


The sun radiates pinks and oranges as it sets past yonder at Cottesloe beach. How peaceful this moment, as we walk our dogs, as we jog away our work day and that office birthday cake for morning tea. We watch the sun sink into the Indian Ocean, and for a moment we can just stop and be amongst the still and beautiful.

Back home there is dinner to cook, mess to clear, kids to listen to, to care for, to soothe. We are busy. We are tired. We are sore, irritable and exhausted. Such is life.
The author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R Covey tells us to think of our relationships like a bank account. You make deposits into your relationships, but inevitably you will also make withdrawals. If you make enough deposits into the relationship you have something left in the kitty when you make a withdrawal. If we make more withdrawals then deposits eventually the account dries up and will close altogether.
To borrow Mr Covey’s analogy, think of your sense of wellness like a bank account. You can make wellness deposits into your bank account and build up a healthy wellness balance.
It is daily fact of life that you will make wellness withdrawal’s. The stress and strain of living ensures battles are fought and energy is depleted. You need to ensure you create little wellness deposits for yourself here and there so that when it is time to make a withdrawal, the funds are there for the taking.
Take enough withdrawals from your wellness fund and you will be spent. Aren’t you sick and tired of being spent?
Take baby steps to integrate a few more wellness deposits into your day.
The following suggestions are quick easy and will put you in good stead for your day;
·      Try a few stretches in the morning.
·      Have some lemon juice in hot water first thing. Lemon juice is alkalising and will kick-start your digestion to ensure proper assimilation of nutrients.
·      Eat Breakfast: Try nuts, wholegrains, nut butters, fruit, eggs, and greens (perhaps not all at once). Sit down in a nice place and take 20 minutes to nourish yourself.
·      Appreciate your loved ones: Take a little moment to be grateful for those you love. Just 10 seconds is all it takes.

I wish you good luck for better living and much love and happiness on your wellness journey. he sun radiates pinks and oranges as it sets past yonder at Cottesloe beach. How peaceful this moment, as we walk our dogs, as we jog away our work day and that office birthday cake for morning tea. We watch the sun sink into the Indian Ocean, and for a moment we can just stop and be amongst the still and beautiful.

Back home there is dinner to cook, mess to clear, kids to listen to, to care for, to soothe. We are busy. We are tired. We are sore, irritable and exhausted. Such is life.
The author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R Covey tells us to think of our relationships like a bank account. You make deposits into your relationships, but inevitably you will also make withdrawals. If you make enough deposits into the relationship you have something left in the kitty when you make a withdrawal. If we make more withdrawals then deposits eventually the account dries up and will close altogether.
To borrow Mr Covey’s analogy, think of your sense of wellness like a bank account. You can make wellness deposits into your bank account and build up a healthy wellness balance.
It is daily fact of life that you will make wellness withdrawal’s. The stress and strain of living ensures battles are fought and energy is depleted. You need to ensure you create little wellness deposits for yourself here and there so that when it is time to make a withdrawal, the funds are there for the taking.
Take enough withdrawals from your wellness fund and you will be spent. Aren’t you sick and tired of being spent?
Take baby steps to integrate a few more wellness deposits into your day.
The following suggestions are quick easy and will put you in good stead for your day;
·      Try a few stretches in the morning.
·      Have some lemon juice in hot water first thing. Lemon juice is alkalising and will kick-start your digestion to ensure proper assimilation of nutrients.
·      Eat Breakfast: Try nuts, wholegrains, nut butters, fruit, eggs, and greens (perhaps not all at once). Sit down in a nice place and take 20 minutes to nourish yourself.
·      Appreciate your loved ones: Take a little moment to be grateful for those you love. Just 10 seconds is all it takes.
I wish you good luck for better living and much love and happiness on your wellness journey  :-) Stay in touch by subscribing to my newsletter here.
Love Lib