Conquer That Cold! 7 strategies for getting well ASAP


Oh no, there's a familiar yet dreaded tickle in the back of your throat. Your energy levels drop to zero and that mild headache just won’t go away. Don't distress! Follow these guidelines and with some good rest you’ll be back on your feet and healthy before the snot stream cascade. This is what I do when I’m getting sick. With these little tricks of the trade 95% of the time I manage to prevent my condition developing and lasting more then 1 – 2 days.

Hit the Herbs: Here’s the thing, while conventional western medicine can’t do anything much to kill a cold or a virus, there ‘s heaps of help waiting in the plant world. There are many amazing dynamic and effective herbal combinations that boost your immune system and have direct anti-microbial and anti-viral action. Herbal medicine can reduce the duration and severity of your cold/flu by days. Taking herbs in liquid form is best, but dried herbs in capsule form also work, albeit probably not as fast. Most naturopaths do quick acute immune consults so call ahead on the day and book in.

Essentials Oils: Eucalyptus and Tea Tree are magnificent anti-viral’s and decongestants. Thyme and oregano are also great anti-microbials and fab for throat infections. I’ve become a devotee of throwing my head back, opening my mouth and letting 1 drop (that’s 1 drop) of tea tree oil fall onto the back of my throat. You can then gargle and swallow, or if gargling is too much, just swallow. Make sure your tea-tree is 100% pure. Right now in my essential oil diffuser I have eucalyptus, cloves, wintergreen and myrrh, all wonderful for killing bugs and helping you breathe easier.

Zinc and Vitamin C: During periods of illness I recommend 45mg of zinc daily in two divided doses and vitamin C at 2000mg per day (for an 60kg adult) in divided doses. For a child administer the weight appropriate percentage of the adult dosage, for example, a 20kg child would take 700mg of C in instances of respiratory illness.

Eat whole cloves of garlic. I know this sounds yuck, but you can swallow it like a pill, you don’t have to chew! It’s important to crush the garlic first, this activates the anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial immune boosting goodness called Allicin within the clove.. Garlic also helps keep you intestinal bacteria in check. Some people do this every day as a preventative measure. Apparently after you get used to it you don’t smell so much. Hmmm.

Ginger and lemon tea: I like to chop my ginger and simmer in a saucepan for 20 mins or so, and then add fresh squeezed lemon juice just before I drink, You can add garlic and honey to this combo, but I prefer to eat my garlic whole (see above)

Healing Chicken Soup: A high quality protein soup made with bone broth is full of minerals and amino acids required for kickass immune function. Plus the act of making a delicious home made meal with the intention of healing is beautifully nurturing and health restoring for all who partake in it's nourishment. There's magic in the mix. Try my recipe here.

Bed Rest. I know it’s hard to drop everything, obligations and necessity keep us out and about. Do what you can to rug up and keep warm as much as poss, and get some good and proper rest! Outsource the cooking duties for one night, leave the washing in the basket. Get into a good book or a fave magazine, and laze about with your aloe vera tissues and an immune essential oil blend (see above) The more energy you have to devote to fighting off that flu the better.

Get well soon my lovelies

Love Libby