Wild Grace in a tea cup

Herbs have a biological and measurable medicinal actions in the body, as highlighted by thousands of peer reviewed studies. What is less measurable is the energetic and spiritual actions herbs have on our emotions. Many traditions have described an energy body of sorts, and I don't need to go into particulars here and now, except to say that I feel the energetic and spiritual effects of plant medicines quite strongly and I'm not the only one, many others agree.

There's no explanation for how a couple of drops of the right flower essence can help you feel like you're being held and supported in your heart space. It can feel like the edges of despair have been sewn up into a wholeness, and now you can cope a little better and move forward.

The insights that came to you as you breathe in the aromatic steam and sip your tea can be obvious, or invisible. Would things be different if you weren't taking the time to engage with your own wellbeing through the use of plants? Nature has a special way of healing and resetting, always with the goal of evolution in mind.

Libby is a naturopath, herbalist and shiatsu massage therapist based in South Fremantle.