Magnolia is not just a pretty face!


Since I've been blessed with some blossoming magnolia branches on my bench top recently I thought I’d spotlight the surprising healing properties this plant has to offer.

Although the petals are soft they are surprisingly thick and tough. This tree in it's glory is magnificent and as you can see from the research below, this plant helps us in expressing our own magnificence. With this plant I saw lots of progression, everytime I looked at it a blossom had opened further and a new one had started the process. Magnolia tells us that we all blossom at our own pace in our own time, and each bloom has it’s own beauty and offering. Magnolia releases our own harsh judgement of our selves and allows gentle acceptance of the self as being right where you’re supposed to be. This is the spiritual aspect of the plant however researchers have also found some significant scientific findings.

Magnolia contains neolignans called magnolol and honokiol. Neolignans have several researched benefits for our health over several body systems. For example, they benefit the cardiovascular system by  relaxing smooth muscle, reducing plaque build up, lowering oxidation of LDL cholesterol and reducing risk of heart attack.

Honokiol and magnolol are also anti-cancer, inhibiting tumour growth and proliferation, encouraging tumor cell death, and preventing the tumors from growing their own artery networks. Magnolia reduces multi-drug resistance therefore enhancing the effectiveness of some chemotherapy.

Magnolia benefits the endocrine system by improving your insulin response. In animal studies, magnolia increase uptake of glucose into the cells and lowers resting blood sugar significantly. Magnolia also decreases the prevalence of white fat, and reduces the size of fat cells.

The relaxing effects on smooth muscle, as seen in the cardiovascular  system also benefit the gastrointestinal system, getting your digestion moving smoothly.

Magnolia is an anti-depressant and anxiolytic. Magnolia interacts with GABA receptors to exert a sedative action on the central nervous system. magnolia has anti-depreassant effects through three known pathways, and has even been shown to help reduce the progression of alzheimers disease.

Magnolia is perfect when you’re feeling like you should be farther ahead then you are, and can help relieve the painful effects of comparisonitis - the practice of comparing yourself to others

If you would like to try some plant medicine, I recommend getting in touch with a qualified herbalist. I’m available for naturopathic consults at Wild Grace Health in South Fremantle.