Lentil, ginger, coconut soup

Lentil, ginger, coconut soup

This is a really simple, nourishing and easy one pot dinner, with plenty of protein and fibre and some healthy fat.

It's the kind of soup where you know you're looking after yourself with every slurp. The spices and ginger have some wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. It's inexpensive, easy, and counts as self-care points for the day.

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Shiatsu for spiritual maintenance

Shiatsu for spiritual maintenance

A shiatsu at Wild Grace is a spiritual experience. Healing occurs in both physical and spiritual planes. A shiatsu involves breathwork, massage to physically manipulate and stretch muscles, and the use of healing sound to move energy out and through. At times I may guide you through healing imagery, and you may receive guidance from your spiritual support crew.

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What Microbiome Mapping can do for you

What Microbiome Mapping can do for you

If you have chronic disordered digestive function, irritable bowel, weight gain, inflammation, low energy, autoimmune or chronic mental illness a thorough investigation into your microbiome can provide a very solid basis upon which to build a treatment plan and resolve your symptoms.

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Do you get period pimples?

Do you get period pimples?

Your fertility hormones estrogen and progesterone are actually great for skin, and this is why your skin may be clear and beautiful in the middle of your cycle but break out when those hormones drop off before your period. Here are three things you can try to lower inflammation and reduce period acne.

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